About the therapy and my approach
I am an intergrative counsellor trained in different psychological therapy methods, this allows flexibility within our sessions and I will be able to tailor our sessions to suit you and your needs.
Below is a brief explanation of the styles of therapy that may weave in and out of our sessions naturally and where appropriate.
Humanistic Person Centred Therapy
This is my core modality, within this my clients receive unconditional positive regard and empathy, I will be totally with you as you share your truth. This is at the heart of my practice and means that our sessions are focused on you. We may look at how you're currently experiencing life. Encouraging a stronger sense of self and greater self-worth would be a key therapeutic aim.
‘‘The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change’’ Carl R Rogers
Transactional Analysis
(TA) recognises how we experience difficulties in life depending on our way of relating with the people around us. TA therefore encourages an awareness of the way we handle our interactions and how we communicate with others. Every day, we all communicate with those around us from the three main ego states, Parent, Adult or Child. Becoming aware of these communication styles and how they effect our interactions helps with our relationships. We may also look at things such as life scripts, often passed down from our parents or significant others in our lives, or maybe they have just become ways of being that we have adopted along the way.
Gestalt Therapy
Gestalt is an experiential therapy which recognises that most of human communication is non-verbal. Sensations you experience in the counselling room and every-day life are relevant and often triggered by a thought or emotion. Through noticing how the things we talk about are affecting us physically in the ‘here and now’ we become more self-aware, this leads to us making life choices and changes.
During our sessions, techniques to access feelings may be used such as letter writing or working in different creative ways. Some people like to draw or paint their feelings and explain their work and how it made them feel. There are many more interesting and creative ways of working within Gestalt therapy that may enter our sessions.
‘‘ Getting reacquainted with our emotions and learning to embrace them is healing’’
Fritz Perls
The thought of going to counselling can be scary and daunting, like looking up a huge mountain and thinking the climb is impossible, but that journey can be as gentle as it needs to be, first you make base camp, then set your sights on the next stage, and so on.